If you do not see your question below, please contact one of our board members.
How old does my child need to be to register for a team?
To determine which age group your child falls under, see the new age chart.
Are there special rules for the high school co-ed level?
Since most players on the High School Coed teams usually play on an IHSAA High School program in the Fall, the Spring HS teams playing for the IYSA and WCSSF organizations (includes Tri West youth Soccer Club) are limited in participation by the IHSAA HS players. The IHSAA by laws limit the number of IHSAA High School soccer players playing on an off-season team to six per team. This means that only six boys from the same High School soccer team can play together in the off season. The same rule of six applies to the girls also. Therefore, the most one TWYSC High School team can carry from the same IHSAA High School is six boys and six girls.
What are the playing age levels?
The playing age levels are 6U, 8U, 10U, 12U, 15U and high school coed. The “U” stands for “under”, so the 6U means “Under 6” and so on. The cutoff date for the age determination is December 31st-calendar year. For example, if a child is five on December 31st, but turns six on January 6, they are eligible to still play 6U for another full year (both the upcoming Fall and Spring seasons). Kids whose birthdays are this close to the cutoff date usually move up a playing age level, but do not have to do so, and is entirely up to the parents.
Players on the Field
HS Coed (Fall Only) – 7v7
HS Coed (Spring Only) – 11v11
15U – 11v11
12U – 9v9
10U – 7v7
Where do the 6U and 8U play?
The playing age levels of 6U and 8U and are played in-house. The teams do not travel for these age groups. All games and practices are held behind the Tri-West High School in Lizton, IN.
Where do the 10U, 12U, 15U and HS Coed levels play?
The playing age levels of 10U, 12U, 15U and HS Coed (19U) are played as a part of the Rec+ West Central Suburban Soccer Federation (WCSSF). All teams within the WCSSF play 5 home games and 5 away games for a 10 game season. The small sized field for 12U and the Fall small-sided HS games are played behind the Tri-West High School in Lizton, IN. The full sided fields are located in Scamahorn Town Park in PIttsboro, IN. This includes the 15U Boys and the Spring High School Coed full-sided teams. These teams both practice and play at the Pittsboro Town Park. These teams are scheduled for half their games as home games and the other half as away games. 10U will participate in a season ending Jamboree, hosted by Ben Davis Soccer Club. There is a season ending single elimination tournament for 12U-19. These are held by different clubs each season. The tournament fees are included in the registration fees for the Rec+ players.
What does my child need to play?
All players are requiredto have:
- Uniform shirts and socks. Provided by the league
- A ball. 6U-8U use a size 3 ball, 10U-12U use a size 4 ball, and 15U and higher use a size 5 ball.
- Shin guards. No one is allowed to play without shin guards.
- Black shorts
- Water bottle
- Cleats. Exception: 6U players can use tennis shoes, but if they plan to continue, cleats will be required.
When does the season begin?
For divisions 10U and up the practices begin in early March/late July depending on the season. The games run from late March/early April to the end of May for the Spring season and from early August until early October for the Fall season. The practices are solely at the discretion of the coaches.
For the 6U and 8U divisions, the practices begin in March/August depending on the season. The games run from after Spring Break to just before Memorial Day weekend for the Spring season and from mid to late August until mid-October for the Fall season. Practices are generally once per week. The dates, times and location of the practices are solely at the discretion of the coach.
When will I hear from my child’s coach?
You should expect to hear from your child's coach a few weeks after registration ends. Please do not call asking what team your child is on. The coaches will contact you as soon as they get their rosters.
Are the parents expected to volunteer?
Yes, Tri-West Youth Soccer is an all-volunteer club that requires many hours of volunteer work to make it successful. All functions within the club are run strictly on a volunteer basis. Help is always needed and welcome. The club is especially in need of 6U/8U/10U coaches and assistant coaches.
Do we play in the rain?
Soccer is an outdoor sport and played in many weather conditions. We will play games in the rain (and snow). The decision to cancel a game day is complex and involves field conditions (how much the fields might be damaged and are the fields safe to play on), the forecast, as well as scheduling considerations for whether or not we have the capacity to make up the games at another date. The coach will be informed if games are cancelled. They will then get in touch with their players. It is the coach's call regarding cancelling practice due to rain if the fields are playable.
Can a coach or team re-schedule a game?
No. Games will be cancelled only by the referee. The TWYSC board may cancel games in advance if the field conditions warrant it. However, this is only in cases of extreme inclement weather.
EXCEPTION: The 6U teams may cancel and re-schedule games based on the availability of the fields.
How are players assigned to teams?
Children of the coaches are placed on the team with their parent. Siblings in the same division are placed on the same team unless requested otherwise by a parent. When we are familiar with the stronger players in a division we will explicitly assign those players to different teams. All remaining players are randomly placed on teams in a manner that balances the ages of players between the teams.
Do you take requests for players to play together?
Yes, we do. One of the primary advantages to playing in a smaller club is that we are able to accommodate requests for players to play together. Most of the surrounding area clubs to not even try to accommodate requests. Tri-West Youth Soccer tries very hard to accommodate as many special requests as possible.
Can my child play in an older division ("play up")?
Yes. Children may play up if you and/or their coach from the prior season feel they are ready. Please sign up your child in the league level in which you want your child to play. The registration software is set up to allow children one year younger to play up into the next level.
Can my child play in a younger division ("play down")?
Playing down is permitted for children with special physical or mental needs. Please contact the club via e-mail for such requests. "My child is a little small for their age" is not generally considered a special physical need.
Are there conflicts between soccer practices/games and other sports?
TWYSC believes that kids should participate in multiple sports. With the limited population of youth within the Tri-West Hendricks area, this is especially important. However, conflicts will naturally arise with other sports practices and games. A few guidelines we try to encourage include: (1) a game in any sport generally takes precedence over a practice in another; (2) try as best as possible to balance which sport is missed when conflicts do arise; (3) most importantly, communicate with your coaches of both sports to make them aware of the conflicts so they can plan accordingly.
Are there scholarships available?
TWYSC does not wish any player to be prohibited from playing soccer in our program through lack of financial means. Grants of financial assistance are determined by the TWYSC Board of Directors in its discretion based upon the resources available and review of application.
Receipt of application does not guarantee a scholarship award. Applications do not carry over to other seasons and a new application would need to be submitted for each season of request. The request for assistance and all information provided on the form will remain strictly confidential.
Every scholarship recipient will be required per season to volunteer:
Rec Division: 8 hours of service, (12 hours for a multiple player family)
Rec+ Division: 10 hours of service, (14 hours for a multiple player family)
The recipient’s family will be paired to a Board Member for assignment and documentation of volunteer hours.
Forms for scholarships are available upon request to Mark Melton at [email protected].
What are the parent and player expectations?
Players are expected to:
- Attempt to attend all practices and games and participate to the best of their ability
- Demonstrate positive sportsmanship at all times
- Be respectful of all teammates opponents, coaches, managers, referees and adults
Parents are expected to:
- Make sure that players arrive at (and are picked up at) all practices and games at the appropriate time
- Communicate directly with coaches if your child cannot attend a practice or game
- Demonstrate positive sportsmanship at all times
- Communicate with coaching staff and club officials in a respectful manner should a conflict or question arise